compromise in colors is grey.
12:02 odp.
V den, kdy jsem fotila tento outfit, byla venku hrozná zima, Nafotily jsme pár fotek, šly jsme se zahřát do Karoliny a pak jsme zase šly zpátky fotit. Vytáhla jsem tenhle šedý rolák, který je skvělým kouskem ze "sekáče", je příjemný a teplý. Zkombinovala jsem ho s šedým kabátkem z H&M. Kupovala jsem ho ve vánočních slevách v lednu 2015 a teď už by to chtělo nový, přemýšlím na jedním černým lehounkým z Manga (odkaz). Každopádně pořád hledám, takže kdybyste o nějakém podobném věděli, dejte vědět!
When I was shooting this outfit, it was really cold outside. Me and my friend took some photos, went to the mall to warm up a little bit and then went outside again to finish photoshooting. I put on this grey turtle neck, which is from second hand. It's really cosy & warm (well, not warm enough). I combined this jumper with my jacket from H&M. I bought it in christmas sales in 2015 and now I really need new one. I actually was thinking about black one from Mango (link). Anyways, I'm still looking for one so if you know about some, write me!
When I was shooting this outfit, it was really cold outside. Me and my friend took some photos, went to the mall to warm up a little bit and then went outside again to finish photoshooting. I put on this grey turtle neck, which is from second hand. It's really cosy & warm (well, not warm enough). I combined this jumper with my jacket from H&M. I bought it in christmas sales in 2015 and now I really need new one. I actually was thinking about black one from Mango (link). Anyways, I'm still looking for one so if you know about some, write me!
Jumper - Second hand
Jacket - H&M
Bag - H&M
Watches - Michael Kors (via Shopbop)
Jeans - H&M
Shoes - Primark
3 komentářů
Ten kabátek je hrozně super!:))
děkuju! :)
VymazatSuprová kombinace barev :-)
OdpovědětVymazatThanks for all your lovely comments! xxx